High Green Medical Practice

Email us: nnicb-nn.highgreenmedicalpractice@nhs.net

Open Monday to Friday, 8am to 6:30pm

Clinics & Services

Practice nurse surgeries

Our practice nurse is skilled in the care of people with diabetes, asthma, chronic chest problems, coronary heart disease screening, blood pressure checks, as well as cervical smears, family planning & immunisations.

Baby/Child health clinics

Baby/Child Health Clinics (for under 5’s) are held in the Sure Start Centre on Wednesdays between 1.00pm and 3.00pm. This is for well babies. You do not need an appointment to see the Health Visitors. Please bring your child’s red book to the clinic and the surgery whenever you visit. Appointments are required for childhood immunisations at the Practice.

Child immunisation clinic

The practice will invite children in for their immunisations at the appropriate time in line with current government guidelines.

Blood tests

High Green Practice does not provide appointments for blood tests. You can make an appointment for a blood test with Nottingham Citycare or telephone them on 0115 8834880 (patients 13 years & above) For children 1-12 years appointments can be made by calling 03001233387.

Sexual health

Contraception advice including the pill and injections is available during normal surgery hours by appointment with a nurse or doctor. Sexual Health Services are available from Nottingham University Hospitals https://www.nuh.nhs.uk/sexual-health-services

Treatment room services

The High Green Practice does not provided a treatment room services (for dressings etc). Nottingham Citycare provide a Treatment room service for our patients, to book an appointment please the Nottingham Health & Care Point on 0300 131 0300 , Option 1 then Option 2 (8am to 7pm Monday to Friday)

Physio & Occupational Therapy Service

You can self refer to the Citycare Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy Service. Alternatively you can telephone 0115 883 320.

The service is for people with bone, muscle or joint problems, such as back pain, whiplash injuries, arthritis, sprains, strains and sports injuries.

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 20th May, 2024